Bismillahirrahman Nir Raheem
Allah says :
"Think of me I'll think of you"
"Come to me I'll come to you"
"Walk to me I'll walk to you at speed"
Who else can remove the sins and forgive you except Allah?
A believer should believe in Allah that I repented and Allah has forgiven me.
It is necessary to be patient when you make dua, you have to wait until it gets accepted.
Instead of this, we throw tantrums being impatience that Allah will not accept my prayer or he doesn't care.
This is completely wrong, patience is the key to success as well it shows our belief in Allah.
Whenever you become impatience or start to think that Allah doesn't care just remember the sabr of Ayyub Alaisalaam.
Allah says in Quraan: Innalllah ha ma-assabirin means indeed Allah is with those who have patience.
And also Allah says: innama al usri Yusra means indeed with hardship will be ease.
So, just wait for the right time when he will glorify you with everything you asked. In Sha Allah
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